I am beat. So I worked a half day at the office where I balanced patients, paperwork and finding yet another au pair candidate for that family. After leaving there I ran home to get my mom and then to drive 30min to the INS office. My mom is always stressing about being late so she made me leave an 1 1/2 before the meeting. Well we got there with an hour to spare. Our Lawyer met us there and we went to the back with the interviewer. He was an odd duck, came across very nervous and spoke very fast making it impossible for my mom to understand him. Our case was easy as we are mother and daughter (and you can tell that by looking at us). Things went pretty well and he said he did not expect any problems and we should have her card within the next month or so.
Sorry I fell asleep trying to upload the pictures I took with my Razr phone.
Okay so the INS thing went pretty well (or so we think) after that we had some time to kill before we were to meet my two favorite Marines.
I had never taken my mom (in the pic below) to Virginia Beach (the actual Beach).
It was a nice day so we walked the prominade and stopped to get some coffee and cake. The waitress sucked but the dessert was good. 
When we got back to the car I checked in with "my" Marines and we started driving to the base. They both met us at the gate and we went to get some ice cream. Now believe it on not I used the be the young ladies au pair.
Man I feel old right now. They are both in the music part of the corp and are in music school down here. I got to go quickly shopping in the commissary (so much cheaper and they have German stuff).
After saying goodbye to those two ( my mom had not seen the young lady since she was 9!), we headed back to the peninsula to meet up with my moms blind date. One of my coworkers and I had been talking about our parents a while back and discovered they had much incommon including being alone. So we met my coworker and her Dad at the restaurant where I work. While we are waiting my boss (the doctor) and his wife walks in. Hes like yeah we called requesting you but they said you are not working but actually have a reservation. The dinner all in all was pleasant. We talked and enjoyed good food and the waitress was my scottish friend. She told me when she brought me my food (Farfalle with Piccatta sauce - mushrooms, roma tomatoes, capers in white wine) that one of the cooks had asked if I was eating here.
She asked him how he knew and he pointed to my dinner - which is my own creation. So that was it. We went home and I tried to post but fell asleep fighting the blogger to upload the pics. I dropped of my mom at the airport this morning, she is flying back to Florida. Today should be mellow those will serve as a post for 2 days (maybe I start working on the other blog).
I had a few other pics of a big neptune statue at the beach but the blogger wont let me upload it. I will see if I can post them directly from flickr as I did some in previous posts.