Cherry's box
Okay so I know you are all dying to know what was up with the photo and all. Well .....
A while back Cherry and I were chatting and she told me she was on her way to work. Naturally I was curious and asked what she does. She told me she was helping a friend at his company which sells all natural Australian foods. Being a avid amateur cook and food lover I was curious as to what Australian food is. Cherry explained some of the stuff and it sounded really interesting. She gave me the stores web site and I was more and more curious. So Cherry generous as she is, said she'd sent me a little care package from Down Under. And it arrived today. So come on open it with me and see whats in it.
I was amazed at the box there was no stamp or return address or even a post mark on it. I had it sent to the office to save me from having to go to the post office and picking it up.
Of course the other nice thing about sending it to my office was I got to open it right way and see whats in it. Knowing you all are dying of curiosity I took my time and took pictures of all of it.
Bush Tomato Akatjurra spice came with two recipes I am dying to try.
Roast Wattleseed sounds intriguing especially the ice cream recipe.
The Lemon Myrtle Rainforest Spice smelled so good (even through the bag) I think I will make the cheesecake recipe listed on the card this weekend.
I can't wait to try the Native Pepperberries these are ground but I think I will order the whole once since I love to cook with fresh ground pepper.
The Bush Tomato Seasoning has a recipe for scrambled eggs that sounds perfect for a weekend breakfast.
Now the Lemon Myrtle and Pepperberry Seasoning is something our Ms Jin would love I am sure.
The Mountain Pepper Spice is supposed to have a eucalyptus taste so I am looking forward to experience.
Here you can see all the jars. We tried every last one of these yesterday. Don't believe me check out the pictures below.
The Hibiscus
This was a card with some more info on Wild Hibiscus Cherry included.
The Rainforest Plum jelly was yummy. But then I have always loved Plums and Plum jelly
The Finger Lime Marmalade was a bit tart to eat on bread but Grumpy and I both agreed you could use it as layers on cake or cookies and it would be to die for.
The Macadamia Nut butter was neat. The initial taste is buttery with just a hint of nut. Very good. (I am not a nutty person and hate peanut butter!)
Macadamia Nut Butter and Rainforest Plum Swirl now that my kind of Nut and Jelly preserve. SOOOOOOOOO much better than PB&J
This one is my absolute favorite. Rosella Jam - oh I can't wait for Sunday morning, warm french bread, real butter and Rosella Jam.
I liked the Dessert Quandong better than Grumpy he didn't care for it at all. It takes a bit getting used to but it really is quiet good.
This one was another one Grumpy didn't care for. I found it interesting and definitely worth trying.
Grumpy really liked the Bush Tomato Relish. I tried it even so I am not big on relish I have to admit it is pretty good. We also tried the Rainforest Plum Chili Sauce which will be good in recipes.
Here is our plate as you see we sampled all the Jars and
Grumpy got Chamagne to try out the Hibiscus flowers. (sorry for the mess haven't really had time to clean or organize a sit down dinner-to tired so we ate on the couch while watching Queen of the Damned on SciFi
If you look real hard you can see the flower in the bottom of the glass.
Grumpy is intrigued.
Here is mine I had to get the Champagne out of the way so I could take the picture for you.
And here is Grumpy after our little culinary trip Down Under. Misty is napping on her chair. When I asked Grumpy of his opinion about the food he said "intense"! Tonight I am making one of the recipes on the cards a Parmesan sauce. I shall tell you how it turns out.
P.S. I Linked all the product to their individual store website. There is the info abotu what it tastes like, what to do with it and of course how to order it. So be sure to click on the links of each jam/spice to find out more.
A while back Cherry and I were chatting and she told me she was on her way to work. Naturally I was curious and asked what she does. She told me she was helping a friend at his company which sells all natural Australian foods. Being a avid amateur cook and food lover I was curious as to what Australian food is. Cherry explained some of the stuff and it sounded really interesting. She gave me the stores web site and I was more and more curious. So Cherry generous as she is, said she'd sent me a little care package from Down Under. And it arrived today. So come on open it with me and see whats in it.

P.S. I Linked all the product to their individual store website. There is the info abotu what it tastes like, what to do with it and of course how to order it. So be sure to click on the links of each jam/spice to find out more.
OMG!!! I love your blog! I love blogs that have lots of pictures!
All that stuff in the box looked really good...and exotic! don't you love getting gifts?
Thanks *blush*
I try to throw in pictures as it makes it more fun to read it. I love getting gifts a couple of months ago I got one from Jin. That one was awesome too.
COOL post Katy!!!
It all looks SOOOO good!!!
glad i came across this site. Seems like I have an idea for christmas presents.
Jin - thank you I liked a lot of it. I had some pasta salad left over from the xmas party and used the tomato spice mix to mix it up so yummy.
Turtle - welcome to my blog. And thank you. I am happy to give Christmas Ideas.
The jelly's looked so good on the french toast. What a nice treat from your friend. :)
justmee- yes it was great. I can't wait to make some of the recipies.
Gumpy looked intrigued and a little bit weirded out. ;)
Steven- well its not every day that you have a flower in your drink and then eat it so I guess its a bit wierd.
Hi Katy,
I am pleased that you have discovered the wild tastes of Australia. having pioneered the industry over 25 years ago and now with my TV cooking show (Dining Downunder) about to start airing in the US from February next, the ingredients and the idea of an Australian cuisine is alive and thriving.
Please also check out my website where you will find all sorts of recipes and ideas and abunch more products in my shop.
Boy that Roast Wattleseed really looks good.
Maybe next year I'll have a birthday cake made fully from Roast Wattleseed!
Vic - thanks I am definately intrigued as far as the australian cuisine goes and will order a few things I am sure. Your site looks intersting I will have to investigate it abit mire later.
Hippo - I have yet to try those. I have no concept of what they'd taste like but the Ice cream recipe that came with it sounds interesting.
He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich...
Phos - that must have been something else since we didn't have any veggiemite.
Oh how the kid makes me laugh! I heard that song two times yesterday and loved every minute of it!!!
Re the lilli pilli: I can't believe the G didn't like it!!! That's my fave! The relish is also a mass fave too! the seasonings are both fab too! just had the lemon myrtle seasoning tonight on chicken and tasted some of the bush tomato seasoning in quiche the other day.
Glad you enjoyed! But I also noticed that some of the cards were bent!! Not the way I had intended!! Kisses!
oh yeah and the title 'Cherry's Box'. Loves it! hahahahaha!!
Love Cherry and her Box.
CHERRY!!!!! I was wondering when you'd take time out of your busy schedule to read my blog I was contemplating this morning to email it just in case. Oh Phos was talking about a song dahhhh that shows what I know hihi.
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