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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Funny how it is

It is so easy to forget how fortunate we are we take so many things for granted. We moan if there is a cable or power outage and complain when our computer goes down and it rarely occurs to us that there are people out there that until recently didn't even know what artificial light is. I came across this article about a tiny village in India that didn't have light until recently when one of their own became a solar engineer and brought solar power to his village. Can you imagine no power???? That means no TV, no microwave, no computer .......


The Phosgene Kid said...

I can imagine no power. In the PI power was a luxury. And when we first set up in the desert it took awhile to get power, and then it was pretty iffy. The generator on the truck was kind of a brute so the bulbs would brighten and dim as the gen cycled.

AngelConradie said...

phew... we do indeed take waaaaaay too much for granted!
we'd better go over there and teach them about blogging, lol!

jin said...


I try to list five things everyday that I am thankful for.

Dino said...

Phos - not sure what PI means

Angel - yeah that would be it

Jin - I think thats something I need to start

The Phosgene Kid said...

Philippine Islands.

They should take a lesson from Gilligan's Island - there's nothing you can't make with coconuts!!

Cup said...

There's a town in Louisiana that got phone service just a year or two ago. Strange to imagine, isn't it?

Dino said...

Beth - yeah thats totally strange