Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Thing seen out n bout
Posted by
2:30 PM
Friday, December 25, 2009
Sunsets and holiday's
Well I have a 4h layover in Miami so I thought i get some of the pictures I have been taking up here. First off I hope everyone has a great christmas. While I am spending a large chunk of Christmas day traveling - sometimes it feels like I spend more time in airports and planes than at home - I still had a good holiday. Hubby and I had a great time at the movie yesterday and then dinner and presents. He really liked the Steelers Jacket I got him and I loved my earrings and the book he gave me. I was a bit suspicious at first - getting a book about how to make a marriage last - made we wonder but he said that he sought it was appropriate since we'd be married at least that long. I thought it was sweet and I liked that some thinking went into my gift. I like gifts better that mean something and dont care about what they cost. So this was perfect. This morning I got up and found him making breakfast for us. He had to go into work real early and after getting back thought to surprise me with food.
No on to the sunsets. I am a sucker for them (like most girls I am sure) and can't help but take pictures of them.

This I saw this week coming home from Ohio on Wednesday.

Posted by
6:28 PM
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Posted by
6:22 PM
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Snow dogs
Posted by
3:20 PM
Labels: snow
Saturday, December 19, 2009
I am so thrilled its snowing and it looks like its staying. Snow makes everything look so pretty. Unfortunately I am to fly out to Columbus, OH tomorrow and the said snow may be a problem. With this storm I may not make it there which means I wont make the Dec 24 deadline and that sucks big time. However my boss did just call to tell me not to kill myself over trying to make the deadline so I will do my best and if that does not get me there then oh well.
Posted by
7:03 PM
Friday, December 18, 2009
Trying to stay warm
Posted by
8:55 PM
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I want snow
Posted by
5:35 PM
Monday, December 14, 2009
West Virginia
Posted by
8:29 PM
Here are some more pics of the Texas trip - the rest of story is over at the private blog. It was fun seeing were hubby was born and lived a few years after he finished highschool. He showed me the apartment he lived in and the place he used to work at. We had lots of tex mex and I even had a breakfast taco (veggie version of course).
We went out to see his grandma twice which was fun she is such a great character I really liked her. She is one of those that do not take any bullshit. I hope she recovers and gets out of the nursing home like she wants too. She told us to go to this little cafe down the street from her nursing home and so we did. It was Mexican food mainly
I liked mine but even more did I like the old building it was in with all the stuff on the walls.
We told grandma hubby (and maybe me) will be back next year and she liked that idea. I did overhear her tell hubby's mom that I could stay she liked me and thought I fit right in :) good to know I got her approval ;)
Posted by
6:09 PM
Labels: vacation
Monday, December 07, 2009
Home sweet home
Posted by
10:39 PM
Sunday, December 06, 2009
True love texas style.
Posted by
1:45 PM
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Just missing a horse
Posted by
4:47 PM
Friday, December 04, 2009
Old fashion dinner
Posted by
2:36 PM
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Posted by
6:03 PM
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Posted by
3:52 PM
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
World AIDS day
I have to say I was disappointed that one of my sites who works with HIV + patients not only not knew that World AIDS day is today but that there is such a thing. It just shows that awareness is sorely lacking which is sad. I mean this disease is still spreading despite that it can be prevented. If you haven't yet check online for the companies that participate in the 12 days of giving. So get your starbucks and contribute
Posted by
4:26 PM
Monday, November 30, 2009
Posted by
10:19 AM
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Quality time
Posted by
8:32 PM
Friday, November 27, 2009
Calm after the storm
Posted by
4:12 PM
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Turkeyday to all
Posted by
8:20 PM
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
New blog idea for me
Posted by
2:39 PM
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Star Wars in concert
Star Wars in concert
Originally uploaded by dino0477
Posted by
8:10 PM
Labels: concert
Monday, October 12, 2009
I am so excited I just can't hide it ....
.... can't get that song out of my head. When I checked in for my flight for tomorrow I noticed I had gone up another frequent flier level with US AIR and I decided to see if that would give me better options to cash in some miles and go home to Germany. And it did. So I booked my flight for May next year. I am so beyond thrilled I just can't wait. I will be over there a little over 2 weeks. I can't wait to see all my friends. 223 days lets hope they go by fast.
Well better finish up laundry and pack I am heading out at 6am tomorrow.
Posted by
5:48 PM
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Another year gone by
So my birthday is almost over so another year older not sure that I'd say I'm wiser. We had a great time camping it was very peaceful. Lots of stuff going on these days. I am heading out early tomorrow to West Virginia so I better go and get my stuff together.
Posted by
8:22 PM
Friday, September 11, 2009
Actual managed to blog today but I had to do it one the private blog. While I lost a lot of visitors during my summer hiatius its not worth having more stress.
Still waiting for my plane :( If you don't have access to the post email me
Posted by
8:18 PM
Friday, August 28, 2009
Mountains, tears, horses and bears
It is really annoying how fast time goes by. We are getting ready to pack up our things as we will head home tomorrow. Hard to believe its been a week. I warn you this will be a longer post but there are going to be pretty pictures to look at if you want to skip the rambling.
We got to the Westgate resort Saturday and checked out Gatlinburg Sunday. Had lunch at Hardrock Cafe,
Monday we left the pup with Grandma and got back in the car to go to Kentucky - Hopkinsville to be exact. This is were hubbys mom is from and he spent some time there growing up. We went to see his aunt and managed to meet up with 2 of this cousins there who he hadn't seen in over a decade.
After getting back Tuesday night Hubby and I finally got to go horseback riding Wednesday. We have been looking forever whenever we go somewhere but its rare that places have horses strong enough to carry us. But not this time the first place we called said they'd take us on a guided ride as long as we can get on the horse without help.
After the 2 hours horseback we decided to cool while tubing on the river.
Thursday was going to be hiking time but we ended up chilling since it was raining and just doing a 1 hour guided nature hike (walk) which was fun.
Friday we had to listen to the timeshare spiel - and while hubby finished signing the papers I headed back hoping to go for a hike with Mom and the pups on the only trail where pups were allowed. As we are getting ready my mom was on the balcony and all of a sudden saw the bears under us. Yes right there. Mama Bear and her cups. All the pics are on flickr if you want to check them out there.
Wow its been a week already and I haven't finished the post - darn. So the drive home ended up taking 2hs longer than anticipated since I decided on a short cut. I hate it when short cuts end up making trips longer.
Sunday we just chilled getting ready for the week asking Mac and the kitties for forgiveness since we had left them behind.
Right now I am in West Virginia - heading home tomorrow. Next week is Ohio - Cincinnati and Columbus.
Posted by
5:43 PM
Labels: vacation
Saturday, August 01, 2009
wow I haven't blogged in over a month
That's like a personal record for me. Guess you can call it a summer break in blogging. It's not like there wasn't enough to blog about more to the contrary but I just didn't have a chance to actually come on here and write it all down. I guess that means this could be a long post - we'll see.
Mhh where to start its been busy. I had to close down a lot of my sites as studies ended. No more week in Vegas for me. I opened up new sites in WV, OH, NY and PA and I am so excited that there is a ski resort near at least one of them so for the first time since moving to the states I will get to go skiing. I can't tell you how thrilled I am, I already bought some ski pants, I got gloves, sweater and coat to suit the weather already. I am no big fan of snow suetes and I doubt it will get cold enough for it. I already checked out the fees for the lift and ski rentals. I may need to check what it would cost to just buy a pair of skis and take them with me. I need to get my cross country skiis from Germany. Its pathetic I have 2 pair of them over there and none here.
Work keeps my busy and traveling but I am glad - I don't mind the travel and I am glad to have a job with the way the economy is going.
Our guest have come and gone - i hope they enjoyed at least some of their trip. It was definatly an experience. They saw a lot from DC to NYC and the outer banks plus the unplanned ER visit. Of course they went to Busch Gardens - here is my god child with my niece.
Those two became fast friends and we realized they are the same age just 3 days apart. From what we heard they liked NYC the best except for my friends dad who liked the beach best. I also took my friend along with me to my weekly sessions with my trainer.
She kept up pretty good but ended up in pain for days after since she is a runner and doesn't go to the gyms in the summer over in Germany. She says they are to hot and smelly since none of them have AC. During their vacation I had to head to court for this - remember (the first 2 posts - sorry the blog is private email me if you need an invite)? Well the good news is the judge found the girl credible and didn't believe a word the family said. She didn't get as much as she had asked for but what the family is to pay is near what it would cost to appeal so I hope they'll just pay and this is over with. I was so nervous on the witness stand I know it had nothing to do with me I was just their to bear witness but still facing the judge and lawyers is something I'd rather not do again.
We dropped them off at the airport in DC at the end of their two weeks and had barely a night to get the guest room ready for the next guest. One of the au pairs needed a place to stay till she found a new family. She found a nice one outside of Chicago and I put her on the plane Friday and then left myself on Saturday to meet up with my mom and head to WV. I had to go there for work and she wanted to see a new area of the US.
So that's about it. This is the first weekend I am home in over a month and I am enjoying it. Relaxing, watching, TV reading and of course blogging. The girl from the court case is getting married today so hubby and I will head there in a little while till then I believe I will take a nap.
Posted by
10:59 AM
Thursday, June 25, 2009
This and that heard at the airport
RIP to both as they did have a effect on our (pop) culture no matter if you feel that was positive or negative.
Looks like my plane will be delayed - 30min to take of and no plane in sight. So i guess it will be a long night. But at least I get to go home. The weekend will be busy getting ready for our visitors that are arriving next weekend. I will be in Philly on Monday and then DC on Thursday for work. I will just stay in DC till Saturday as it doesn't make much sense to go home for a day and then drive back.
Posted by
5:30 PM
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Just another weekend
It's kind of weird to have the house to myself for the weekend. Grumpy went fishing with some friends of his for his birthday so its just me and the pets. I played in the pool then went to the gym (i know its was silly should have played in the pool after the gym) then went by the German Restaurant to check with the cook. Her Granddaughters are graduating tomorrow so she had asked if I could cook for her. It has been like 9 years since I worked in their kitchen full time. I had helped out a couple of weeks ago when their kitchen help was out but the cook was there so tonight should be interesting. I don't worry about the night part but the prep work stuff. Since I don't want the food to taste any different. After stopping at the German place I went by the Italian restaurant that I used to work at. Saw the owners new baby and hung out for a while as I waited for my bruschetta. Its always fun to hang out there and I miss working there but I just dont have the time anymore. He did ask if I would help out if people are on vacation which i said I would if i was in town. Speaking of being in town it was nice to just be gone one night this week. I am gone 2 nights next week and then all week the following week. I am so glad things will slow down once June is over.
I can't wait for July when my friends from Germany are coming while it will be interesting trying to fit 8 people in my little house - plus 2 big dogs.
So if you saw the twitter/facebook update yesterday you know that the meds are not working so all that money pretty much went down the drain never mind the black and blue belly from all the injections. Now they are talking about drilling my overies and while they are in there they are using a camera to look around and also flush out the tubes again to make sure they are open. I have to say I am pretty nervous I have never been hospitalized never mind had ansestishia. Besides even the doctor even said she didn't know if this would help me since I haven't reacted normal to any of the treatments. I mean I only had 2 cycles on this latest medication and I am already resistant to it. I wish someone would explained to me why all those people that don't want/shouldn't have kids can and there are so many that want to have kids/would make good parents aren't able to. Guess its fair to say the universe has a cruel sense of humor.
Posted by
9:35 AM
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Posted by
9:27 PM
Labels: AP, water country
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Great weekend
Grumpy and I had a wonderful weekend in the Outer Banks. We stayed at the KOA campground on Cape Hatteras. The weather was perfect it was sunny but windy enough to where you could be outside. We took a nice walk on the beach.
Mac was fine until some wave snuck up on her
It was funny everyone stopped to look at the pups - see the weather was nice so we had them on their leashes attached to the picnic table -
I guess people just never see Great Danes.
Saturday night we walked over to the sound site to watch a beautiful sunset. It was so great to just sit there and watch the sun go down.
All in all the weekend was very relaxing I can't wait to go down there again in July when my friends from Germany are in town.
So far my week wasn't to bad either Sunday night I got an email from where I was to be Monday stating they had to cancel the visit so I got a day at home to catch up on reports and stuff. Today I had doctor appointments - things look good this cycle and they added another injection - this one in the AM - got to go back Friday. Tomorrow its off to Ohio State University but its a short trip I will be back Thursday night.
Posted by
4:12 PM
Monday, May 25, 2009
time flies when your having fun ...

I spend this weekend cooking at Das Waldcafe. While I loved doing it and have fun doing it - those were long days and not easy work since all is made fresh. That means beating all the veal cutlets and making the dough for the Spaetzle (german noddles) by hand. The dough has the consistency of bread dough so its hard to beat it all till is smooth and since the dough is so thick you can't do it with a mixer nevermind that i am not used to stand for 9-10hs at a time anymore - I must be getting old ;)
My friends from Germany are going to be here in 5 weeks and i am way behind in getting the house ready for visitors (6 of them)
I haven't blogged much either. I stopped the import to facebook since there are two many people that can see it now and that was one of the reasons i haven't said much. I am debating on using on the private blogs more since the address on this one is out. We'll see.
I am looking forward to the weekend Grumpy and I are taking the camper down to Rodanthe NC for a weekend trip with pups. Since i have been gone so much we haven't seen much of eachother so it will be good to get to hang out - have nice walks on the beach with the pups.
We just did another p-test and of course it was negative as always. I am so frustrated we have spend thousands of dollars on these medications/tests the last 10 months and have NOTHING to show for it and noone seems to be able to tell me why its not working. So I guess I get to call them tomorrow and find out when to start the injections again (in the belly no less :(). There goes more money - the injections at the last dose they had me on run at about $130 a day and last month I was on them for 24 days! Yes you read right that is a day for one medication - the medication is not covered by my insurance. Luckily with the program I got some of it for free and friends of ours that went thru the same treatment donated what they had left to us so we only had to pay for some of it.
Well enough wining I need to go crab some dinner and get to bed my flight out to NYC is at 5:45 am so the alarm will go off at 3am. But its just a day trip to Norwalk, CT - I fly back tomorrow night so I get to sleep in my own bed.
I hope everyone had a nice day off and remembered those that the day is meant for.

Posted by
7:41 PM
Labels: nothing much