I am such a baby - licking my wounds right now. I had a fun afternoon tubing.
See I have to do water safety meetings for the au pairs and find they are more fun at the beach with water sport activity. The tubing part was awesome everyone had fun. Since I am not a light person I couldn't back on the pier since it was still low tide and there was no ladder - so I decided to walk up the boats ramp. I knew it was slippery but figured if I hold onto the pier I'd be okay - Yeah not really. I got halfway up when I slipped and slid down the ramp - barnacles and all. So I get up with cuts on my arm, leg and feet and now had to walk 500yards to the beach - thank goodness we were at a private beach. By the time I get out of the water my arm and leg had blood running down. And once I left the water my feet were bloody too. None of the cuts are very deep but they still hurt. Especially on the feet and its not like I can stop walking on them :(. So I will be misserable tomorrow as I have to fly to Pittsburg to get to Wheeling, WV for a site visit on Monday. But everyone had fun. We are babysitting Grumpy's niece again and she had a blast she even tried waterskiing
but as you can see that did not go well. In all fairness the boat was to small and did not have enough speed to get her up. She did love tubing so and just playing in the water I finally got her out after 6pm.
Feel better!
Will send you a SWEETBOX this week!
Jin - thanks mhhh maybeI should have gotten hurt earlier if a sweetbox comes my way for it :)
Oh my word that hurrrrrrtssss!!! I hope its all better soon soon.
Angel - i know me too it would of course help if i were to stay off my legs but i can't do that till tuesday
Sharks, barnacles, jelly fish - no reason to to swim in the ocean that I can see...
Hi I finally got into your blog. Your link worked. Thanks for sending it!
Waht is that thing down there under "too cute" half dog-puppy, half hedge hog??? yeah it's really unbelievebly cute, so please tell me what on earth it is?!!!
Sarah, glad it worked not sure what was going on. That thing is a baby hedgehog my mom had sent the picture to me.
They really have ears like that??? never seen it!!
anyway you shall have a reward/an award for that:
Sarah - so cool i normally don't get awards.
No - and do you why not and why you don't get more visitors?
Simple technical reason: people who don't know the address already can't get into your blog!!!
You have to put your entire and complete address in the free space under "My blogs" on your profile, then they can!
Right now you just have a part of the address under your e-mail, as contact info and that doesn't work.
So it's not because your blog isn't interesting or because people don't wanna give you an award, it's simply because they can't get to you!!!
I'm glad you enjoyed it and I still can't get over this cuteness of that little fellow! everybody keeps looking at it, family, friends...
Is it really a baby hedgehog???
I just never thought they had ears like that! I persume the ears do then get smaller when they grow up?
A friend of mine asked if it was a porcupine?
Did you mother take the picture? or where was it taken?
Did you ever hold little hedge hogs in your hand - since you said you have had many at home, when you were a child...
Take care!
love, Sarah sofia
Oh and here's another post which might interest you, no award this time, but you might like it anyway, it's got a beautiful video...
Sarah - i actually took the blog of the radar on purpose - i dont mind that i no longer get many visitors. i may make another blog that will be on the radar but for now this is perfect.
We were never allowed to touch the hedgehogs, we just watched them as they ate the food we gave them. The little ones were cute they always walk in single line.
my mom said she got the photo from her German friend but didn't know if that lady took it or just got it somewhere.
Tubing on the ocean, probably a better choice than barreling down the falls.
I also would never had dared to touch a hedgehog-baby, because I would be worried that the mother might reject it afterwards.
may I ask why you took the blog off the radar?
Any particular reason or bad experiences?
Better to just stay on the couch drinking beer and eating pork rinds, and moving as little as possible. No risk of injury there.
My word verification is "flogr"
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