Remember those ...
evenings with your friends where you listen to CD's, sing along and have a good time just hanging out????? Well I had one of those tonight and it was awesome.
I was off today and had to stops on my schedule. First there was craft club where I went a little early so I could talk to the hosts - who are one have of the owners of the German Restaurant were I worked for 6 years until 2005. I wanted to see if I could get my old job back well be able to pick up some shifts anyway. They both seemed to think it should be no problem but there is a good chance I'll be getting more shifts as cook than waitress/bar tend which kind of sucks on two levels. First I wont have money every night and second I am allergic to some of the meats and my hands break out terrible if they get in touch with it. I love to cook but its just hard. But hey it would be extra cash so thats cool we'll see what happens.
I did get some scrap booking done before I headed of to my friend Paula's - her birthday was yesterday and her wish was to cook for us and have a girls night. Oh man the food was good and I did make sure to take plenty of pictures so you could enjoy it too.
Paula slaved over the stove all day -she even handground the spices --- so here is our menu


Rubber golves might help - I think you have to wear them in most food prep places nowadays anyway.. I'll bet you are a great cook!!
The Indian food sounds good. It is fun trying different kinds of food. Probably why I am so skinny - not!
Hanging out with friends is tough to beat. Glad you had a good time!!
Phos - i did the glove thing its not something I can keep on the entire night and with the heat and all. Yeah I am a decent cook what amazes me is that I can make foods I have never tasted (like meat dishes) and they turn out well.
Mmmm, Indian is my favorite! Or one of my favorites. I hope you get to tend bar rather than schlep knockwursts!
Mmmmmm! That dinner sounds - and looks - completely scrumptious!
And I'm so happy that you had the chance to have such a great time. You deserve it!
(I love your label "Food Porn"!)
Looks Fabulous!!!
So glad you had a great time.
Now I'm hungry...
CP - thanks its one of my favorites too. I am kind of annoyed that I haven't heard back from the restaurant either way
LM - the label was stolen from Jin
Jin - about time that the roles were reversed normally you have me starving
oh katy it looks and sounds amazing!!! wow- now i'm starving AND i wanna have a dinner party!!!
Angel - it was soooo much fun and the food was amazing. You should have a dinner party
YUM!! All that looks so good....
And I love evenings like that, spent with friends, just talking and eating, and then talking some more..
Beth - yeah I miss having those on a more regular basis.
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