i'll miss her
On other notes I am housing an AP as of today hopefully the dogs wont bit her. I am also dealing with a nasty sore throat.
Posted by
10:41 AM
So I have been totally taken by this new series I am reading - Dark-Hunters from Sherrilyn Kenyon. I have been going through her books in a matter of days since I can't seem to put them down. The fun part is there is even an interactive web site. Like I needed something else to occupy my mind. I of course had to take the quiz to see which one of the Hunters would be best for me (they all sound yummy)
Posted by
12:22 PM
Labels: books, german restaurant
I feel like its Sunday. Holidays in the middle of the week always confuse me. I was out an about for AP stuff all day. Tomorrow I need to find out whats going on with one of the girls that is leaving her family - hopefully she can go to the new one on Sunday otherwise we have to house her. Which means I have to clean that room which is also my office. I did spend the afternoon setting up the computer Grumpy brought back from the bar - for some reason it wouldn't accept the printer driver but it finally did.
I worked tonight at the German place. I did get my new dirndl and made good money considering it was slow. Hey check out the web site they are working on for the restaurant.
Posted by
11:49 PM
Labels: AP drama, german restaurant
Posted by
4:32 PM
Posted by
4:15 PM
Posted by
10:04 PM
Finally some good news. I was starting to be really sad because I hadn't heard back from the German restaurant and started to think that they did not want me back. It really bothered and upset me since I love that place and the people and if they hadn't been in touch I would not have felt okay to ever go back there even just to eat.
Anyway tonight looked like it was going to be dead. There was four of us and no one wanted to go home since we all need money. It finally picked up and my section filled up really quick when I saw that J and M had come in. So I traded one of my tables with the waiter in their station so I could wait on them. It was killing me to just make small talk not knowing if they came by to tell me I can come back or I can't. Anyway at the end they did tell me that they talked to J's sister and her hubby and they all agreed that they'd love to have me back - anytime. So I will work at the italian restaurant tomorrow night and then instead of being off Saturday and Sunday I will go and work at the German restaurant. I hope this will give me some extra cash so I can relax about our bills. I did miss working there a lot too so I am very excited. To bad I do not fit into my dress anymore I will have to order a new one. So I am off to bed sweet dreams everone
Posted by
9:49 PM
Labels: german restaurant
evenings with your friends where you listen to CD's, sing along and have a good time just hanging out????? Well I had one of those tonight and it was awesome.
I was off today and had to stops on my schedule. First there was craft club where I went a little early so I could talk to the hosts - who are one have of the owners of the German Restaurant were I worked for 6 years until 2005. I wanted to see if I could get my old job back well be able to pick up some shifts anyway. They both seemed to think it should be no problem but there is a good chance I'll be getting more shifts as cook than waitress/bar tend which kind of sucks on two levels. First I wont have money every night and second I am allergic to some of the meats and my hands break out terrible if they get in touch with it. I love to cook but its just hard. But hey it would be extra cash so thats cool we'll see what happens.
I did get some scrap booking done before I headed of to my friend Paula's - her birthday was yesterday and her wish was to cook for us and have a girls night. Oh man the food was good and I did make sure to take plenty of pictures so you could enjoy it too.
Paula slaved over the stove all day -she even handground the spices --- so here is our menu
Posted by
12:24 AM
Labels: food porn, friends, indian food
What a day -
The day started good enough Grumpy had off last night so we actually woke up together - with his mind on recreational activities. To be rudely interrupted by me seeing yet another flea on Cleo. For some reason she got fleas and neither her monthly stuff nor the spray has been successful. Anyhow it took some apologizing to Grumpy for my unromantic behavior to get back on schedule.
So after breakfast I headed to work just to realize halfway down the road when I realized that I forgot my phone - crap it was to late to turn around. Once at work I had an email from one of my families - the AP wants to leave. After a call to the lady and trying to schedule the final meeting - I had patients and a monitor. We had a patient that was on a stretcher - poor lady she had two huge bedsores and dementia and was screaming - bone chilling screams as if we were trying to kill her. Tell you what I do not want to ever be that way someone please shoot me if I get to that point. It was 4pm before I knew it and off home to get changed here is Grumpy trying to hold off the puppies from slobbering all over my white tux shirt.
Tuesday night one of the waiters had asked me if he could have my Wednesday and I gave it to him after I said the pharma party that was scheduled for today would be mine - so I did work that party - a dinner talk by a doctor who I had (mistakenly) talked to earlier this week at my other job. While the dinner was winning down - they were out in the patio - a car was pulled over into the side street right infront of the patio - first there were 2 cop cars then there were 5 with bullet proof vests and all. (this was 6 feet away from the patio windows) Then the drug sniffing dogs come after the two people in the car were put in cuffs on the side walk. The party I was working was totally captivated. After throughly searching the car the two people were released and the cops left. So I am guessing they did not find what they were looking for. The drug reps told me in the end that they loved my service and will request me next time. Yay me.
Posted by
11:18 PM
Labels: AP drama, cops, grumpy, italian restaurant
I am so sick of being broke. I work three jobs and still there is never enough. So I told Grumpy last night that I am going to see if I can have a few shifts at the German Restaurant - where I worked for 6 years before the owners kids took it over. That is another story in its self and not for this blog. Anyway I know I can't get to many more shifts at the Italian restaurant so I figured if I can get a couple of shifts there I could get some extra money. I am seriously starting to panic with the Euro going up that we wont have enough money for our bills and our trip. House taxes are coming up in addition to our normal bills as are car taxes and so forth and I can't keep money in the savings account. I figured working a couple shifts at the German place will give us like $300+ a month that is if they take me back. I mean it would be in their best interest from what I can see since I used to do everything there - cooking, bar tending and waiting tables so they can utilize my skills where ever they need too. But then there is the IF factor I am supposed to go over the one of the kids houses Saturday for Craft Club so I figured I go by earlier and see what my chances are. To bad I got to fat for my Dirndl but I guess I cross that bridge when I get to it.
In the mean time I am still waiting to find out if I am officially done with school. I filled out the application for my degree 2 weeks ago but haven't heard anything back - nothing saying I need some other classes nor if I am done. I am kind of holding off on applying for jobs until I am sure I am done.
I did ask my doctor if he has heard anymore about the deal with the hospital. I can't remember if I blogged about this - Couple of weeks ago my doc approached me asking if I had accepted a position yet - I told him no - and he told me that one of the local hospitals is trying to go into research but hasn't had much luck so they approached him asking if he would oversee if - lending them his name. He told them he would consider it but they would need a coordinator that knows the business and he wants me to do it. He said he wants the deal to include me with a substantial pay raise and better benefits. So I hadn't heard anything which is way I asked him this week. He said he'd put pressure on them to come to a conclusion and mentioned again that the success of the deal would lie with me coming on board. At this point all of this will come down to the numbers I'd love to be a monitor but if the hospital deal is better I will do that. I mean I can always be a monitor later. Of course if they drag their feet - I can't afford to wait as soon as I have my diploma my resume goes out to all the research organizations I can think off.
Posted by
7:09 PM
Labels: german restaurant, grumpy, italian restaurant, work issues
Posted by
4:13 PM
Labels: citizen duties, vote
I know I know I haven't posted much the last few weeks. I don't know why there are lots of things that I wanted to write about but somehow I never get around to it. Part of it is pure laziness since my little computer doesn't work on the new network I have to actually get of the couch and go into my office and write there (or get that laptop out here on the couch - which I did now) the other is I just haven't felt like doing much besides reading. It seems I developed a one a day book habit (on occasion its two days) I guess I am trying to make up for not having had much time to do so with school and all. Alright so lets see whats new.
1. Mhh we had a blast at Busch Gardens for their howl-o-scream celebration and I am seriously considering going back next year just to be a monster and scare people.
2. Haven't had to much AP trouble just a little.
3. Had a new waitress who is an idiot but is now of the schedule as everyone realized she is an idiot.
4. Grumpy has been working opposite to me and I rarely get to see him :-(
5. Argued with my mother about the fact that I do not want to meet my sister anywhere but for breakfast in town while we are in Germany
6. Still haven't been able to apply for a new job since I have yet to hear back from the school if I am done
7. Found out today that the weekend before we leave for Germany I have to go to Las Vegas for a meeting (leaving Grumpy home with my mother ;)
8. The Euro keeps getting stronger diminishing the money we saved for our trip
9. Oh and here is the photos Angel asked for - she got a new tattoo and asked her readers to show of theirs. I got this in Illinois when I was 19 - its my design. The snake (cobra with a skull) is from a necklace that I have. I lost it so many times and would always find it by stepping on it with my left foot. Since the necklace was 3D it kind of hurt - this happened in the ocean, on the beach all over the world so that gave me the idea.
Posted by
7:51 PM
Labels: cats, dogs, grumpy, photos, rambelings