not happening
So after finally getting here yesterday and spending cash on a track phone that I had not counted on I was glad I had brought crackers and a noodle cup. See Grumpy and I never made it to breakfast so I was starving. Mhh there was only one thing I had not thought about - utensils. Mhhh what to do. So I settled on using the stir straws they give you for the coffee and used them as chop sticks. Of course I took a picture first!
Pretty moon
Today went as expected the meeting was okay and they are working on some cool upgrades but we were also told that pretty much we have to move our websites over to the company issued one. That totally sucks because I have had my site for 4 years and worked hard on it. I really don't want to move it. Right before lunch we watched all the video finalist. If they vote by laughs I loose but then if they vote by the person and not the video I lose too. There are a few of the finalists (one of them the son of the coorporate office staff) that have done some heavy campaining - flyers and so forth. Like I said before the thing is rigged but I am trying to be positive about it since I did learn a lot and had fun making it but the unfairness of the whole thing just ticks me off.
Anyway its friggen hot outside and since I refuse to be seen by my "coworkers" in a swim suit I decided I will finish homework and work on a solution for the AP blog and website. I may venture out more later when its cooling down.
I would totally vote for your video and then it could be rigged in your favor. The beach looks lovely. I spent a good chunk of the day moving books 20 miles down the road. I have had other things come up but I think starting next week I will be able to spend more time on blogging and what not. I haven't cut back on the photography though - it keeps me sane sometimes.
BTW I think the next time you leave a comment on my blog some of the stuff it asks you to put in will be remembered from last time (at least that is the way it works when I visit other Wordpress blogs).
man, those are some great pictures and you are making me so jealous right now!! I love the toes in the water.
Real - I know I would have won could all of you have voted. To bad it wasn't a web based voting/contest.
Beth - thanks took some more tonight looked gorgeous there Katy!
Jin - yeah not bad just the humidity
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