Tonight went pretty much as expected. We had a white party at Nikki Beach - apparently White Parties are the thing to do??? I much rather would have done a black party since I own a lot more black clothes than I do white but oh well
I know it looks cloudy but it really wasn't
and then dinner at Pearl. I have to say the set up is really cool and aparently they get quite a few celebs there. Some of the people that where at the Pearl side thought we were someone and started to take pictures of us I thought that was funny but then we all were wearing funny glasses and white outfits ...
So I know you are all dying to know if I won - well as these faces of the announcers tell you ...
I lost! I didn't even make it in the first 4. I wasn't to surprised and as the evening went on I had people walking up to me and telling me how great my video was. The only reason I am not to upset about this is that none of the people I thought would win - did. The four winners were the boring ones made by LCC's that had been with the company for years and were located in big cities. So as I predicted people voted for who they know. Here is my what I got (and everyone that submitted a video)
My very own little oscar (or is it emmy not sure)
After dinner we moved inside for the "Spirit Awards" of course I didn't get one of those either. But then they only handed out 4 (there are over 600 of us).
I did however let some of the important people know that if they need someone to go overseas and recruit au pairs to call me. I may also have found an AP for one of my families so it wasn't a total bust.
Oh and since there wont be any australia pictures for you guys I stuck around the fashion show at the club so I could give you something else to look at. Please note I tried to be fair so I took pictures of
male and female models. Check out the abs!!
For more pictures click on my flickr icon on the left.