News news news and change
So I took the leap. I went and applied for a new job with a couple of companies that work all around the world. I figured if they have offices in Germany I may at some point be able to get transferred there. I had two offers and decided today to go with P.are.xel. I will start April 4th with a week long training in Raleigh, NC followed by training at home. Yes AT HOME. I shall stay put for at least a couple of weeks. I can hardly wait. While I will be doing the same thing so after my training period is over my schedule and travel will most likely be similar to what its now but I figured it can't be any crazier than it is now and at least with this company I get to head toward my long term goal - heading back to Europe.
Well let me get some rest I am in NYC all week and forgot to check the weather. Its been nice and cozy down south but its still cold up here and I forgot to bring the right shoes/clothes :( guess I'll be cold.