Still here just busy
It has been over a year and while I am blogging pretty frequently over on the other blog mainly about how the Mini Maus is growing leaps and bounds I have not been keeping up with this one. I would like to say I'll do better but I have said that before and didn't so I won't.
So yes Mini Maus arrived on January 5 of last year and has been the most amazing gift ever. She is beautiful, bright, funny and so much more. She is so smart too its sometimes scary. She is very active loves to move around, so we are always on the go it seems.
I switched positions within the company last year so I no longer travel the country every week. While I miss the travel I would miss Mini Maus more and I cherish so much being there when she wakes up and when she goes to sleep.
We took her to Germany over Christmas and she had a ball she loves meeting new people and got to try lots of new foods and received presents - whats not to love. It was great catching up with everyone, with my travel days being over so are free flights with miles. So we are not sure when/how we'll get back across the pond for the next visit. Tickets are pretty expensive these days and now there are 3 of us. So we'll see.